Author Archives: apearson
There are 1000s of sightings of UFO’s a month or even a day,but no one knows what they look like hmmmm…….Well im not shure what I beleive because people say that there are little green people on mars.
Valinties Day
I so exited about valintines day.Its a day of romance its my 3rd favorite holiday. My favorite thing about Valintines Day is the chocolate that people give you,and the valintine partys at school.
Im passionate about Lady GaGa.
If you find $100 is it yours to keep.
Later in life someone some how is probably ging to find out. So you just bring it to the police and forget about it. I know your convinced because there is a decent wad of cash that eaqales to $100. the person who lost the money is probabley is going into the police that he/she lost a $100 wad of cash and he cant find it.
Should Students Get Paid to go to School
I don’t think student’s should get paid to go to school,because that means that they depend on money every day.When they grow up their going to expect money when they wake up in the morning,and who would want to get paid to learn anyway.Where does the money come from anyway your mom your dad WHATEVER I SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!
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